We report observations of four energetic volcanic eruptions on Io: at Tupan Patera on UT 8 March 2003; Tung Yo Patera on UT 28 May 2004; Sui Jen Patera on UT 30 May 2004; and south of Babbar Patera on UT 31 May 2005. The Tung Yo, Sui Jen and south of Babbar Paterae eruptions are in locations where no activity had been seen before. Our observations ...
We revisit the equation for viscous damping of density waves derived from linearized theory. We show that in addition to the coefficient of shear viscosity itself the dependence of this coefficient on the rings surface mass density appears, as well as the coefficient of bulk viscosity. This was noted more than thirty years ago by Goldreich and Tre...
The "propeller" moons within Saturn's rings are the first objects ever to have their orbits tracked while embedded in a disk, rather than moving through empty space (Tiscareno et al. 2010, ApJL). The km-sized "giant propellers" whose orbits have been tracked in the outer-A ring, as well as their smaller 0.1-km-sized brethren swarming in the mid-A r...
We present a catalog of detected wisps , small protrusions of material (0.5 to 2 km) into the Keeler Gap of Saturn s rings from the gap s outer edge. Wisps are characterized by a sharp trailing edge followed by a slow gradation back into the edge on the leading side, typically extending between 0.1 and 1 degree of longitude (240 to 2400 km). Fewer ...
A key outstanding question in Martian science is are the polar caps gaining or losing mass and what are the implications for past, current and future climate? To address this question, we use observations from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) of the north polar cap during late summer for multiple Martian years, to m...
Binary stars provide a valuable test of stellar structure and evolution, because the masses of the individual stellar components can be derived with high accuracy and in a model-independent way. In this work, we study Spica, an eccentric double-lined spectroscopic binary system with a β Cep type variable primary component. We use state-of- the-art ...
With each new version of the Kepler pipeline and resulting planet candidate catalogue, an updated measurement of the underlying planet population can only be recovered with an corresponding measurement of the Kepler pipeline detection efficiency. Here, we present measurements of the sensitivity of the pipeline (version 9.2) used to generate the Q1-...
Saturn s moon Enceladus offers a unique opportunity in the search for life and habitable environments beyond Earth, a key theme of the National Research Council s 2013- 2022 Decadal Survey. A plume of water vapor and ice spews from Enceladus s south polar region. Cassini data suggest that this plume, sourced by a liquid reservoir beneath the moon s...