Global Erratum for Kepler Q0 - Q17 & K2 C0 - C5 Short-Cadence Data
Published in Kepler mission
These Data Release Notes provide information specific to the current reprocessing and re-export of Q0–Q14 data. Specifically, this data release provides an improved version of the PDC light curves and corrects the barycentric times so they include the conversion to TDB (Barycentric Dynamical Time). As such, these Notes are an addendum to the Data R...
There are many similarities between the Mars Surveyor 01 (MS 01) landing site selection process and that of Mars Pathfinder. The selection process includes two parallel activities in which engineers define and refine the capabilities of the spacecraft through design, testing and modeling and scientists define a set of landing site constraints based...
In this paper we show how Boolean genetic networks could be used to address complex problems in cancer biology. First, we describe a general strategy to generate Boolean genetic networks that incorporate all relevant biochemical and physiological parameters and cover all of their regulatory interactions in a deterministic manner. Second, we introdu...
The work reported here is an extension of ongoing efforts in data reduction and modeling of the spectral reflectances of several objects in the outer Solar System. In general terms, this requires an evaluation of the data obtained at the telescope, conversion of those data into geometric albedo units, and the combination of individual spectrum segm...
Computer-controlled electrically-activated valves for rapid gas-handling have been incorporated into the Stable Isotope Laser Spectrometer (SILS) which now permits rapid filling and evacuating of the sample and reference gas cells, Experimental protocols have been developed to take advantage of the fast gas handling capabilities of the instrument a...
This report summarizes the last nine years research accomplishments under Cooperative Agreement NCC2-650 between NASA, Ames Research Center and SETI Institute. Four Major research tasks are conducted: 1. Gas chromatography column development. 2. Pyrosensor development. 3. Micro-machining gas chromatography instrument development. 4. Amino acid anal...
In anticipation of the return of samples from Mars toward the end of the first decade of the next century, NASA s Office of Space Sciences chartered a panel to examine how Mars samples should be handled. The panel was to make recommendations in three areas: (1) sample collection and transport back to Earth; (2) certification of the samples as nonha...
The Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS) on the Infrared Telescope in Space, IRTS (a Japanese-US collaboration project), surveyed about 7% of the sky during its one month mission. In this work we extracted spectro-photometric point source (PS) data between 1.4 and 4 micron of high quality absolutely calibrated (2% flux uncertainties) and unbiased PS s...