During the last year the major activity of the Communicating Science and Engineering project involved the third workshop (Catalyst Workshop) planned through the American Film Institute with the participation of colleagues in the industry, and with assistance from media experts at the National Academy. This workshop had the goals of (1) providing ...
Major advances in our understanding of the Universe over the history of astronomy have often arisen from dramatic improvements in our ability to observe the sky to greater depth, in previously unexplored wavebands, with higher precision, or with improved spatial, spectral, or temporal resolution. Aided by rapid progress in information technology, c...
One of the most important developments of the twentieth century has been the movement of humanity into space with machines and people. The extension of human activity into outer space has been accompanied by a high degree of self-awareness of its historical significance. Because most of the activity in outer space was carried out under government s...
The Space Studies Board is a unit of the NRC s Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS), and it reports to the Division for oversight. DEPS is one of six major program units of the NRC through which the institution conducts its operations on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institu...
This report is a chronological compilation of narrative summaries of news reports and government documents highlighting significant events and developments in U.S. and foreign aeronautics and astronautics. It covers the year 2008. These summaries provide a day-to-day recounting of major activities, such as administrative developments, awards, launc...
An 8 million channel spectrum analyzer (MCSA) was designed the meet to meet the needs of a SETI program. The MCSA puts out a very large data base at very high rates. The development of a device which follows the MCSA, is presented.
There are over 17,500 postable terms and some 4,000 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Database in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the ...
A listing of 1989 publications resulting from research supported by the Exobiology Program is presented. Research supported by the Exobiology Program is explored in the following areas: (1) cosmic evolution of biogenic compounds; (2) prebiotic evolution; (3) early evolution of life; (4) and evolution of advanced life. Pre-mission and pre-project ac...